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Greenfield Recorder: Supports Fair Share Amendment

Virginia (Jinx) Hastings

Mar 31, 2022

Many high income households have paid less (percentage-wise) than most of us pay in state and federal Taxes.

Supports Fair Share Amendment

(Source / original)

Math lesson. A million in seconds is about 12 days. A billion in seconds is about 32 years. Massachusetts has approximately 20,000 households earning over a million dollars and 34 billionaires. Please consider voting for the Fair Share Amendment in Massachusetts in November. Many high income households have paid less (percentage-wise) than most of us pay in state and federal Taxes. The Fair Share Amendment would be a change in our Massachusetts Constitution to create a 4% increase in taxes for people earning over one million dollars annually. This revenue would be spent on education and maintenance of public roads, bridges and transportation. Do the math. Four percent of a million dollar income (or more) is _____, then multiply by 20,000-plus high income earners in Massachusetts, then, add the billionaires income. The wealthiest in our commonwealth can easily afford to pay more, the payback in education and infrastructure is a benefit to all.

Virginia (Jinx) Hastings

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