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Fair Share Amendment Ballot Campaign Launches First TV Ad

Aug 17, 2022

Win-Win” Highlights How Question 1 on the November Ballot Will Mean “Better Schools and Roads, and a Tax System That’s Fairer”

BOSTON – The campaign working to pass the Fair Share Amendment today announced the launch of its first television ad, part of an eight-figure TV ad campaign that will run through Election Day. The Fair Share Amendment, the proposed state tax on incomes above $1 million, would raise billions of dollars to invest in transportation and public education. It is Question 1 on the November statewide ballot.

“We began running TV ads this week, but our campaign supporters – educators, parents, and neighbors all across the state – have already reached out to more than half a million voters going door-to-door and by phone,” said Fair Share for Massachusetts Campaign Manager Jeron Mariani. “Through an expansive campaign over the airwaves, online, and on the ground, we're telling voters about the facts of Question 1: that only the super-rich who earn more than $1 million a year will pay more, and we'll all benefit from the $2 billion a year that is constitutionally dedicated to our schools, colleges, roads, bridges, and transit infrastructure.”

Titled ‘Win-Win,’ the ad begins by explaining how Massachusetts working people pay a higher share in taxes than the wealthiest one percent. Research from the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center shows that while most people in Massachusetts pay between 8 and 10 percent of our personal income in state and local taxes, the highest-income 1 percent of taxpayers pay just 6.8 percent.

“Question 1 changes that, so those making over $1 million a year pay their fair share,” the ad continues. “Ninety-nine percent of us won’t pay a penny more. And Question 1 raises $2 billion a year that the constitution dedicates to public schools, colleges and roads and bridges.”

Question 1, which voters will decide on the November ballot, would amend the Massachusetts constitution to create a 4 percent tax on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million and constitutionally dedicate the funds to be spent on transportation and public education. Less than 1 percent of Massachusetts taxpayers earn over $1 million in a single year and would pay the new tax, but we would all benefit from the improved schools and transportation infrastructure Question 1 will help fund.

The ad ends by summing up the benefits of Question 1 for Massachusetts: “Better schools and roads, and a tax system that’s fairer. Question 1 is a win-win for Massachusetts.”

Thousands of educators, workers, small business owners, parents, faith leaders, municipal officials, drivers and transit riders, and more than 280 organizations across the state are working together on the Fair Share for Massachusetts campaign to pass Question 1. After years of grassroots advocacy, the state Legislature voted in June 2021 to place the Fair Share Amendment on the November 2022 statewide ballot, where it is now set to be decided on by the voters as Question 1.

The ad can be viewed at

Background on Question 1: the Fair Share Amendment

The Fair Share Amendment – Question 1 on the November ballot – will allow Massachusetts to improve our transportation and public education systems by making the very rich pay their fair share. Question 1 would create a 4 percent tax on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million and require – in the state constitution – that the funds be spent only on transportation and public education. Only people who earn more than $1 million annually will be impacted; 99% of us won’t pay a penny more. And we’ll all benefit from better schools, colleges, roads, bridges, and public transportation. Learn more and get involved at


The Fair Share for Massachusetts campaign is led by Raise Up Massachusetts, a coalition of community organizations, faith-based groups, and labor unions committed to building an economy that invests in families, gives everyone the opportunity to succeed, and creates broadly shared prosperity. Since our coalition came together in 2013, we have nearly doubled wages for hundreds of thousands of working people by winning two increases in the state’s minimum wage, won best-in-the-nation earned sick time and paid family and medical leave benefits for workers and their families, and started to build an economy that works for all of us, not just those at the top.

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