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BAY STATE BILLIONAIRES: Massachusetts billionaires’ wealth surges 46 percent during the pandemic

Chuck Collins and Omar Ocampo, Institute for Policy Studies

With “Millionaire Tax,” Massachusetts’ Top Tax Rate Would Compare Well to Top Rates in Other States

Kurt Wise, MassBudget

Most Home Sales Will Not Likely Lead to Fair Share Tax Payments

La-Brina Almeida, MassBudget

Fair Share Tax on Incomes Over $1 Million Would Generate at Least $2 Billion a Year

Kurt Wise, MassBudget

The Three E’s: Greater Transportation Funding Can Improve the Economy, Equity, and Environment

Phineas Baxandall, MassBudget

A Bridge Too Far: Sagging Investment Leaves 644 Massachusetts Bridges Structurally Deficient

Hallah Elbeleidy and Phineas Baxandall, MassBudget

Massachusetts Infrastructure Report Card

American Society of Civil Engineers

Ready to Move in Massachusetts: A Blueprint for Delivering Major Transportation Projects Through the Biden Infrastructure Plan

Tom Ryan, A Better City

A Millionaire Tax is Necessary to Advance Critical Education Investments in Massachusetts

Colin Jones, MassBudget

Massachusetts’ Disinvestment in Higher Education: A Closer Look at State Aid, Tuition Rates, and Student Debt

Hildreth Institute

An Economic Analysis of Investment in Public Higher Education in Massachusetts

Michael Ash and Shouvik Chakraborty

COVID-19 Pandemic, Economic Recovery and the Need for Student Debt Cancellation in Massachusetts

Anastasia C. Wilson

The number of million-dollar earners in Mass. is soaring — here’s where they live

Matt Rocheleau, Boston Globe

These Mass. towns have the most million-dollar earners

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