Michael P. Norton | State House News Service
Jul 18, 2022
Wading into the debate over a proposed income surtax, 15 religious groups announced Monday that they support changing the constitution to impose higher taxes on wealthier households. The Fair Share for Massachusetts campaign said the proposed 4 percent additional state tax on household incomes above $1 million per year is supported by the Black Ministerial Alliance/Boston Ten Point Coalition; Brockton Interfaith Community; Episcopal City Mission; Essex County Community Organization; Greater Framingham Community Church; Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action; Massachusetts Communities Action Network; New England Jewish Labor Committee; Pioneer Valley Project; Prophetic Resistance Boston; Sharon Interfaith Action; Unitarian Universalist Association; United Interfaith Action of Southeastern MA (UIA); UU Mass Action, and Worcester Interfaith. "As an organization, we believe in equal access to opportunity, and this is exactly what the Fair Share Amendment is working towards: more equitable systems of transportation and education to benefit every Massachusetts resident," said Rev. Edwin Johnson of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Dorchester, a member of Prophetic Resistance Boston and the Massachusetts Communities Action Network. Executive Director of Unitarian Universalist Mass Action Rev. Jo Murphy said, "UU Mass Action, as a faith-based community organization working with frontline partner organizations, has witnessed the growing economic disparities and the impacts on our education and transportation systems. For this reason, and as Unitarian Universalists who see economic justice as a core principle and part of our communal thriving, we support the Fair Share Amendment and truly see it as crucial to our economy and a sustainable way to recover from COVID." Opponents of the surtax say it will harm the state economy, drive wealthier residents and capital out of state, and hurt the retirement plans of small business owners who plan to sell their businesses.