The Berkshire Eagle: Jeannie Maschino
Apr 1, 2022
Local teachers, students, elected leaders, and community and labor activists from the Berkshires will gather to rally in support of the Fair Share Amendment.
Pittsfield: Rally to support Fair Share Amendment
Local teachers, students, elected leaders, and community and labor activists from the Berkshires will gather at 2 p.m. Monday, April 4, at Berkshire Community College's Connector building to rally in support of the work being done in the Berkshires to organize and campaign for the Fair Share Amendment.
Under the Fair Share Amendment, the proposed state tax on incomes above $1 million would raise approximately $2 billion a year for spending on transportation and public education. The Fair Share Amendment will appear on the November 2022 statewide ballot.
The event is hosted by the Berkshire Fair Share Committee and will feature a speaking program and opportunities to learn more about the Fair Share Amendment, the campaign, and upcoming events, including the first area canvass slated for Saturday, April 23.